I have ridden Blue once, and Whetto once. (some of you may remember my own crash when the Blue Tank managed to dump me) ROFL Honestly, I want another horse. I was horse crazy as a kid. But, I had the two best horses on the PLANET. Dunny was a palomino gelding, retired reining champ. I would put a 2 yr old on him, he was that broke. My first horse, and he lived to the ripe old age of 32. Then, a friend of the family buried him for me.
The other horse was a gift from my stepgramma. He was a line back dun, built like a tank. His name was Kaptain, and I adored him. He had a wee personality disorder, where we could be riding along, and he would get a wild hair up his butt, buck about 4 times, then return to "normal". LOL I couldn't count the times he was lollygagging along, then "the urge" hit, and next thing I knew (if I wasn't paying attention) I found myself on the ground. He would then walk up to me, and nuzzle me. I would then have to lead him to the nearest fence or downed tree to climb back on - he was huge & I rode bareback. Another point in his favor, he hated my brother. So did I. LOL
Anyway, when you have been lucky enough to have two horses of this caliber, it's rather hard to find another you can bond with. Maybe someday....
So, meet Blue......

Stocky does not begin to describe him. This is not the best picture, but I am too lazy too dig through the 400 pictures I have taken since moving here. LOL Blue is 8ish. He likes to eat. He will tolerate bareback, and a saddle. He just isn't highly motivated. He will try you out, but is too fat & lazy to buck much.

Last week, the neighbor lady wanted to ride. She has never had a horse. She put the saddle on Jack, and he promptly removed it. LOL Then proceeded to show off his bucking skills.
The notorious Sancho. Don't be fooled by the calm, innocent look. With a saddle atop him, and Jay on it....he becomes a race horse. 16 hands, lots of leg, and built for speed.
This is Hell Bitch. Actually, they call her something else, but that's my name for her. She is not nice. At all. Ever. I captured a shot of her normal facial expression.....
Charming, isn't she? LOL
Well, that's the crew. A motley crew.
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