Now that the kids have left again, and things are getting back to our new "normal", maybe I can get back to blogging. I loved having them, cried when they left. But another part of me has adapted to having an empty nest. The silence, all the time in the world for myself, no little people making demands of me, and a house that stays clean! LOL Maybe a part of this is a self defense thing....trying to distance myself a bit, so it doesn't hurt as bad.
The miles between us, and the lack of time we have together is already having an effect. Dark One, while friendly enough, was more distant. Not at all as he was before. Part of it is his age, I'm sure. But life with Cruella and her lies/distortions are bound to have an impact on him too. The day after he returned to her house, we were told that he wasn't sure if he wanted to come for spring break. He "might want to stay there and hang with his friends". Summer, too, is up in the air.
DQ needs to be taken back to therapy. While here, she complains of Cruella & Lurch. how horrible it is there. (I suspect some of it, not all, is true) She cries, begging us to keep her here longer. However, once she gets back home...she tells Cruella that she wants to live with her. She seems to feel that when she is at one parent's, she has to "side" with them and dislike the other parent. We have tried, repeatedly, to explain to DQ that not only is it okay, she needs to love both parents. Enjoy her time with each of them. And not play one off the other. While Cruella tells me that she encourages the same....I know better. The woman lives to put a wedge between the children and their dad. And DQ is the one who gets hurt. I'm so glad that we don't have the constant drama of dealing with Cruella daily, as we did before.
The paperwork we had requested from the Egg Donor & Clara finally arrived a few days ago. A couple of weeks back, our attorney had received an email from Clara, stating that she would not sign off. So, I basically told the attorney that she could wait until hell freezes over, before I would sign off on the things they requested. :) Apparently, Clara had a change of heart. LOL Most likely, the Egg Donor told her that I was stubborn enough, I would never release them, unless they did as I had asked. I let the paperwork sit on my desk a few days, before signing & returning it. But, it's done now. The final tie to them has been severed. I feel as if an enormous weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Goodbye, and good riddance!
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